Wednesday, March 19, 2008

SXSW Recap

Hello Everybody.....what an exciting weekend....I just returned home from Austin,Tx. performing in SXSW!! SXSW is an industry related event which showcases over 1600 bands in one weekend!

It was a spectacular event, there were people representing from all over the world. We performed Saturday night 8pm at The Driskill Hotel. We kicked the night off with my fresh tune Weekend and ended with Spend the Night and left the stage smoking for other great artists such as: Renee Sebastian, Maya Azucena, Russell Taylor and many more.

The networking at SXSW is endless...there was so much to see and so many great opportunities. It is definitely an experience for indie artist like myself to find out whats available for us. I had the opportunity to be featured on and and also had great press in my hometown Lufkin Tx. (special shout out to Lufkin for showing ya girl so much love). Overall, it was a fabulous experience and I am looking forward to the next one.