Thursday, June 5, 2008

Black Infant Mortality

Attention All….

Black babies in Broward County, FL are dying at more than twice the rate of white babies! This is a startling but true statistic. Community stakeholders, Urban Music Group, and myself have joined forces with the Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Broward County with a Call to Action in order to raise awareness of this very important issue in our communities.

If you are pregnant or know someone who is we are asking that you seek appropriate prenatal care because “every baby is our responsibility.” Seeking care as soon as possible after conception is one way we can help reduce the immortality rate of our children…..let’s work together to spread the word and save our children……(look for more ways in future blogs)

I wanna hear your stories, have you lost a child or know someone who has? Tell us your may save someone’s life….

Look forward to hearing from you!

Peace and Love,


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Go Rachel...It's Your Birthday!

What’s up Er’body,

I’m sooooooo excited……u know why? My birthday is comin’ soon! All the Gemini’s make some noise!!!

I will be spending my birthday weekend (June 7-9) in D-town (Dallas, TX.) this year. If you are in the area I wanna know where the party at? I would like to come thru and celebrate with you...So send in your info and lemme know how you're spending your special day. If you’d like me to celebrate with you, send in your party spot and a contact number. Who knows I just might fall thru with a special Rachel Brown gift basket just for you!

Lookin’ forward to hearing from ya!!

Happy Birthday!!
