Sunday, April 25, 2010

If You Lost Your Mom Today....

Just wanted to tell all my fans...friends...and family Mothers Day is coming soon and if you're fortunate to still have your Mom here with you take the time to appreciate her! Let her know how much she means to you and that u appreciate what she's done for you.

My Mom left this earth July 1...and knowing that I know she knew how much I loved her cause I told her and showed her helps me to deal with her loss!

Ask yourself this question; If u lost your Mom today have u told her everything u want her to know? Have you spent quality time with her lately? If it now while u still have a chance!

God Bless Ya!


Friday, April 9, 2010

The Music Business!

The music business!

Wow! What an adventure! I tell's one of those things that u say, “well all I wanna do is sing...I didn't sign up for all the other stuff that goes along with it.” But then u look around and see other folks doing things they didn't sign up for and it makes u think well if they can do it so can I.

You gotta always consider others, have ur moment, and keep the bus movin.

"Activate or stagnate" says Gregory Griffith!

It's time to activate cause stagnating is not an option!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thank You, Thank You & Thank You!

Jazz in the Gardens was a truly remarkable experience! I met some fabulous people and developed some lifelong relationships!

Thanks to Mayor Shirley Gibson and Miami Gardens for having such a great event...thanks to the promoters Leon & Sekou Saunders and Suzan McDowell from Circle of One along with her fabulous staff as well as my label Urban Music Group for all your support and hard work! I truly appreciate it all!! Thanks a bunch!

We started the show off and left the stage smokin' and Mary J Blidge ended the show smokin'! If u weren't there this year...u should definitely attend next year! It's worth it!

Look forward to video footage on the site soon!

Peace & Love