Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rock The Vote!

As you know this is an election year and we have a very important election in 2008. We’ve already made history by electing our very first African American to represent the democratic party as a candidate for President of the United States. Our next step is to make sure he’s elected to be the first black President. How awesome will that be for our children and our children’s children to know that they can truly become anything they’d like to become and to actually have a role model that has set the example for them?

What a truly amazing feeling that will be. So with that said, lets make sure we register to vote! And once you register, or if you are already registered, let your voice be heard!

Become a part of history by electing Barack Obama for President and lets get ready for CHANGE!

God knows we could sure use it!!


Peace and Love,

Rachel Brown

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